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March Minutes

Hi all!

Here's our March meeting recap (late - but not AS late as last month's recap).

If you did not receive this link via email on Saturday morning by about 10:30am, please message me and let me know so I can either add you to our mailing list or double check your email address spelling ! Thank you so much - Victoria (NEST President).

March 9th Nest Meeting Minutes

Location: Mrs. White’s classroom

Officers Present:

Victoria McFall: President

Traci Presley: Secretary

Katilin Clark: Teacher Liaison

Alexandra :Treasurer

Taylor: High School Student Representative

Nest Meeting called to order at 6:07 by President Victoria.

  • Book Fair was a success as of Thursday 9th we were at around 9,000 in sales. We had around 500 dollars in donations for any student to purchase books at the bookfair. As of Thursday night of the book fair we were $44.00 short from helping purchase books for children who did not have funds for the book fair. We will be asking for donations to help cover any amount we are short and if we do not get enough donations we will be using Nest funds to cover any outstanding amount. Nest will be splitting the profits from book fair fifty-fifty for Nest funds and scholastic dollars. Looking ahead to next year our fall book fair dates are September 18th-22nd 2023 and our spring book fair dates are March 4-8th, 2024.

  • The spring dates will again follow read across America week. Nest wants to make a notebook and supply box with a list of things needed for the book fair. Supplies of the top of our heads to be added to our book fair supply box: paper towels, rubber bands, three prong plug, wet wipes, pencils, sticky notes, box for holds, 2 bag stands, plastic shopping bags prior to book fair, reusable tablecloths, book fair folder. We also want a reminder in the notebook like book fair busiest time is Tuesday morning. We asked Taylor if she could talk to her sister (student council president upper campus) about getting a list of what students helped on each day so we can award community service hours. Lastly, we closed the book fair Friday at 1:00. We will do so again on future Fridays.

  • High school book fair. Nest has been asked to look into ways to include the high school more in our events. Victoria came up with the idea of holding a one day book fair at the high school after the fall book fair at upper campus. Our goal over the summer would be to collect high school level books to sell at the book fair. Books would be collected through donations, value bookstores like friends of the library and Mr. K’s, and monetary donations to purchase books. We will be looking into dates more but we plan to hold it in our lower campus Nest room.

  • Falcon Friend Initiative: As we try harder to include the high school into NEST more intentionally, we plan on implementing an ongoing program to have high schoolers practice and recognize our core values. Starting after Spring Break we will be putting in a “Falcon Friend Box” in the high school where students can drop off paragraphs about core values being demonstrated by their falcon peers as a nomination. We will collect these core value papers reading them and choosing which we feel demonstrates our falcon core values the most and the nominated person and the person who wrote the paragraph will both receive an amazon gift card and the nominated will receive an official award, to be given on May 12th. We will be doing this four times a year around the time of report cards.

  • Krispy Kreme spring fundraiser. Papers must go home to students on March 27th and be brought back by 31st. Donuts delivered during the morning carline on April 6th and any donuts not picked up will be in the office for pickup or sent home with bus riders.

  • Jack the Dipper fundraisers. We picked out dates starting in April through August of monthly Jack the Dipper Days which we will be sharing once dates are confirmed. We will be doing some additional fundraising to go along with our Jack the Dipper Days. We will be running a campaign to try to increase Nest followers on social media during ice cream days called share your scoop asking patrons of Jack the Dipper Days to share pictures of their ice cream scoops on social media like and follow nest and tag Nest in post for a chance to win a free scoop gift card at Jack the Dipper. As of now we are waiting on dates to be approved but the April date SHOULD be April 17th.

  • The last official meeting of 22-23 will be a potluck on May 11th. Kaitlin Clark has met her term limit as teacher liaison so we will be celebrating her! It will also be Aleksandra's last day before her move (and we will need a new treasurer for next year).

  • Teacher Appreciation Week: Monday May 1st we will be doing Dunkin donuts and coffee for 72 faculty and staff. May 1-5 we will be making a google signup document to try to cover lunch k-6. We will also be selling heart cards and water bottle stickers for students to purchase for their teachers. We will be doing a taco bar on Thursday May 4th for faculty and staff drop off and setup around 10:10-10:15.

The link for signing up for K-8th grade lunch relief is here - we are waiting on lunch times for 9/10th at the time of this blog post before adding them to the sign up link !

  • Mrs. Clark is going to talk to our art teacher about the winter art sale planned for December 2023. We will be selling student art and donated art from parents, staff and community. More info TBA.

  • NEST will be giving popsicles out during lunch time on potentially (if scheduling conflicts don’t arise) May 12th. We will confirm at the next meeting.

  • We will be working on a beginning of the year flyer and email to send out for the 23-24 school year concerning Nest. We clearly want to state in these correspondents that joining the email list does not mean joining NEST aka you do NOT HAVE TO do anything if you sign up, it is the clearest way to find out what is going on with Nest and upcoming events.

  • Meeting closed 7:14

We hope to see everyone who came to this one - and more faces at the next meeting in April 19th, at 6pm (the day of the week is different because of second grade Captstone field trips) !!

& Side note - we are asking people to consider dropping off monetary donations or specific snacks to the front office for the breakroom. We've been running out faster and faster every month. If there are ever "too many" we will store them in the NEST room and bring them up, but as of now we've never had too many at once so don't let that be a concern!

*cinnamon or apple flavored apple sauce pouches or cups *breadsticks/crackers with cheese dip (pictures included in the post) *pretzels (individually packed) *individual raisin / yogurt covered raisin packs *individual smart popcorn white cheddar bags *nutrition bars *Scooby Snacks (graham cracker snacks individually packages).

We do not stock snacks with peanuts because of allergies. Please do not send peanut butter crackers. Cheese crackers are alright !

Also, if you know your child’s classroom does “snack time” it’s always appreciated when parents and caregivers ask the teacher if they need extra snacks for their class for the students who aren’t sent with any. You’d be surprised how often they are forgotten at home !

You can see that original Facebook Post by clicking here.

& as always, I like to end these with a pretty piece of inspiration or a quote - so here's this month's!!


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